Benefits of EFT

Anne Siret EFT, Health, Self healing, uncategorised, Well being Leave a Comment

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If you can control brain waves, you can control your levels of alertness. But to understand how that works, you have to understand and accept two important things:

First, our brains are electric.

Second, certain brain wave frequencies are linked with:

  • various states of body and mind alertness,
  • various states of mental and physical conditions.

Most brain abnormalities can be linked to incorrect frequencies, be it anxiety, depression, insomnia, autism, ADHD, etc. In some cases brain waves are too high and in other cases too low.

In order to support different brain abnormalities, the brain requires an intervention be it electrical or chemical.

EFT or Tapping is all natural as it works on the same principle as the brains’ natural frequencies, it just supports the brain to function better in a more rhythmic and synchronised manner.

It is not something new, but what kind of natural techniques have you had till today to test and conduct therapies in that manner. NONE.

EFT affects more than one level in the body with the same signal. Not only directly on the brain waves, but also at the cellular levels. With electro magnetic impulses done through acupressure points stimulation, Tapping increases and slows down the charge in the tension of the cell membranes. It influences directly the cerebellum which is giving signals in three directions: into the brain,to the entire neuro system in the body and directly into the heart.

That is why Tapping also influences the speed of the heartbeat, and makes it so successful easing Anxiety. This was a tremendous benefit realised by lower blood pressure when a person is moving into a more relaxed state.

EFT is meant to benefit daily to individuals dealing with :

  • anxiety
  • stress
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • PTSD
  • recovering after brain stroke
  • ADHD
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • …and many others

All above can be achieved using EFT anytime user needs it, have time to perform a therapy and anywhere.


Other alternative/complementary products :

  • Medication producers (antidepressants, sleeping pills, Ritalin,..)
  • CBD oil and WEED industry
  • Producers of complementary products like meditation apps, brain, sleep, fitness trackers
  • Products by technology like BELLABEE, ALPHA STIM and MAG STIM devices

Besides earlier mentioned possibilities, by using EFT, you can achieve a boost of growth hormone levels (RGH) as well. It can be achieved, by boosting dopamine and melatonin.

RGH is created only in Delta brain patterns. Babies sleep most of the day in Delta. As we age our sleeping patterns change and Delta sleep patterns decreases. Research indicates that if we can increase Delta we should produce more RGH, thus supporting the reversing of cell de-generation and the aging process.

Current devices’ development :

  • Bluetooth solution with bio sensors (EEG) to track brainwaves of each individual.
  • Machine learning algorithms, so device will be able to recognise what is the type of brain it reads, in what category it falls and “decide” what needs to be done to aid the brain to perform better.

There is so much happening in the field of easing mental symptoms.

You are safe to use and test EFT or Tapping. It is probably the best thing you saw in decades. Simple and working.


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