EFT Explained

Anne Siret EFT 1 Comment

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EFT is an exciting technique that is becoming widely used to help overcome a wide range of psychological and physical problems. In its most basic form, it involves tapping eight key points that link to the main meridians in our energy system, while focusing on the problem to be solved. EFT is used to relieve anxiety, alleviate fears, cure phobias and “neutralise” unpleasant or traumatic memories, amongst many other things.

It is an extraordinarily effective, quick, and gentle therapy: underlying issues that might need addressing tend to emerge swiftly and to be surprisingly speedily resolved.

We know from brain imaging techniques such as MRI that when we stimulate the points used in EFT by tapping, it is the emotional part of the brain that “lights up” and activated. We also know that when we are talking it is the logical and the reasoning part of the brain that is active. In traditional talk therapy, we rely on the logical side of the brain to do the job. The connection (as in the neural pathways) between the logical and the emotional parts of the human brain is not at present particularly well developed. This is something we sort of know empirically: when overwhelmed by an emotion, it’s hard to be rational, sensible, and logical.

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